Watercolor Classes with Cindy Allen

Welcome back to those students who wish to expand their skills in watercolor technique! Talented artist and teacher, Cindy Allen will offer six weeks of classes (and fun!) consecutive Tuesday afternoons, at Calgo Gardens. The cost for the six-week course is $150. per person. Space is limited, register asap! Please call Cindy Allen at 732-598-7128 […]


Create a Ukranian Easter Egg

We are excited to introduce the incredibly talented Jenny Santa Maria who will be leading a workshop on the art of Pysanky (Ukrainian eggs). This is a unique opportunity to learn a skill that is traditionally, in the Ukraine, is passed down to children by the matriarch of the family. This tutorial will cover the […]


Beginner Drawing—6 Week Series

Have you ever wanted to learn to draw but were afraid to try?

Now is your chance with artist and instructor Cindy Allen. Sessions begin July 25 and meet once a week for 6 weeks. For Beginners Only! Class size is limited, so please register early by calling 732.598.7128.


Beginner Watercolor—6 Week Series

Learn the art of watercolor with artist and instructor Cindy Allen.

Sessions begin July 25 and meet once a week for 6 weeks. For Beginners Only! Class size is limited, so please register early by calling 732.598.7128.


Halloween Pop-up Workshop

Creative Spirits Art Workshops is on the road at the Tulip Tree Café!

Join us for a frightfully fun Vintage Halloween Workshop! You will be creating these whimsical centerpieces that combine both decoupage and floral design techniques.


Calgo’s Monarch Butterfly Waystation

Monarch butterfly populations are declining due to loss of habitat.

A Monarch Waystation is simply a garden that has both milkweed plants—which Monarchs feed on as caterpillars—and nectar plants that they use for nourishment as butterflies. Join us as we discuss the life of the Monarch and observe the various stages of development that are currently right here at Calgo.


Open House Day: Yoga Mini Classes

Start your day right!

Join Dee from The Yoga Loft, located the Farmhouse at Calgo, as she conducts mini-yoga classes from 10am to 12pm.
