Spring Cleaning

Feb 27, 2018 | DIY, General

There’s no better feeling of accomplishment than completing an overwhelming task. Accomplishment and satisfaction are just around the corner for those of us getting Calgo Gardens renewed and revitilized for spring. Thank you to all for your patience while we get some spring cleaning and a surprising facelift done! 

The seasonal transition is the perfect time to refresh and renew your living space—and for us, our living space is THE BARN—Calgo Gardens’ delightful gift shop. Our limited winter hours gave us the perfect opportunity to do a thorough job cleaning, organizing, and refreshing the interior.

To be honest, the task seemed completely daunting and overwhelming. Our best plan of action was to break the work up into smaller parts to make everything more manageable. It’s also the most recommended way to conquer spring cleaning in your home.

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Concentrating on one specific area at a time also made it possible for our trusted professional painter, Bill, to get his work done—once we had chosen our colors. That was fun! After many hours of debating, second guessing, and agonizing, we feel confident and thrilled with our choices.
Is it celery or is it sage? We don’t know but the soothing and calming green is the perfect background for all of our colorful and vibrant wares. We love the energy of the terra cotta/rust color as an accent, and the grounding richness of the eggplant. As one enthusiastic customer once told us: “It’s a symphony of color in here!”
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We’ll be glad to have everything back in place soon—and with that, we will definitely have a feeling of accomplishment! We’re looking forward to seeing your reaction when you stop by.
What are you doing/planning for your home or garden this year? Any tips you care to share?

Calgo Gardens is grounded in the belief that nature, art, and positive energy feed our spirits. If “earth” without “ART” is “eh,” Calgo chooses to nurture earth’s ART. Our style and feel is the result of consciously living our philosophy—harmony by design. eARTh will be alive with posts about Calgo-style garden ideas, plants and flowers we love, do-it-yourself projects, new items from THE BARN—and all the dirt (and fun!) that’s happening at Calgo!