To the best of our calculations, over 1100 people passed through the front gate and generously contributed a donation to our fundraiser. Thank you to all who came! This event would not have been possible without your support.
The best part? Nearly $5,000 was raised for the Joel E. Perlmutter Memorial Food Pantry. Now that is a community coming together!
About the Recipient of our Fundraiser…
The Joel E. Perlmutter Memorial Food Pantry is a small part of a larger project spearheaded by Pat Donaghue and Inspire-Nj. The facility is more than just a food pantry although that alone is pretty amazing with a supermarket-style, client choice layout, and full delivery service available. The main focus of the pantry will be serving seniors, veterans, and active military.
The larger project, known as “The Barn” was developed with the primary goal of helping young adults with developmental disabilities adapt to life as adults by teaching them practical and professional life skills. The 6,000 square foot facility will house:
- A market where customers can buy locally sourced, farm-fresh products,
- A sit-down and/or takeout restaurant that will serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner
- A supermarket-style food pantry
The facility will be a teaching ground where differently-abled young adults will learn the skills they need to become vital community members. For instance, they will learn things like how to work in a garden or garden center, how to work in a deli or grocery store, etc.
We love this project because its overarching goal was to address many needs in the community.

After much hard work and planning, the facility is expected to open on July 1.
Like most non-profits, so much of the work is done by volunteers and fundraisers. If you would like to give, you can donate here, but they are also looking to the community for volunteers once the facility is open. Want to know more? Follow their Facebook page for updates!