The dragonfly is an ancient creature that’s gone through many changes in the past 300 million years making them the perfect symbol for transformation and change. This winged insect is one of the oldest species on earth.
The modern dragonfly goes through many transformations throughout its life. There’s a reason why you often see dragonflies near lakes or ponds – they start their life in water. Female dragonflies deposit their eggs on the surface of the water. Once hatched the young dragonfly lives of aquatic invertebrates. Then after molting up to 15 times, the dragonfly nymph is ready for adulthood and crawls out of the water to shed its last immature skin.

What does it mean when you see a dragonfly?
A dragonfly represents change and transformation and is a gentle reminder for you to shed more light and joy in your life. When you see a dragonfly, it means:
It’s the right time to make changes.
A transformation to improvement is happening.
You are deeply connected to nature.
Remember to live life to the fullest
And a reminder to lighten your mind, heart and thoughts.